Monday, October 29, 2007

On the Eve..

On the eve of my final class at Vanguard University, I am a bit numb to the idea that a major chapter of my life is coming to a close. Devoting the past 2 years to this program has taught me a lot about myself. A part of me is relieved that I will be finished, but a growing part of my being is wanting to return to those first days in 2007. I am in a weird place in my life and I don't know what to do next. I want to return to something simpler.

Sometimes I feel like I am Charlie Brown. A person who is often led by his innocence and naivety, I often find myself disappointed at the end of day. Life can be cruel. It is full of letdowns. I feel beat down constantly. My back is on the ground looking up into the sky. I want to finally kick the football.

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