Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How Obama Got Elected

Dummies like these really make me upset. Electing a President should be an important and informed decision. The problem not the fact that people knew nothing about Barack Obama. The problem is the CLEAR and BLATENT media bias against Sarah Palin and John McCain. This election was disgusting. Joe Biden said something stupid everyday but it was glossed over by the mainstream media. Barack Obama is not a uniter but a sly Chicago politician who has no real bi-partisan record. God help this nation!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Freshmatic Ultra

My parents bought this contraption called the Airwick Freshmatic Ultra. It automatically releases a small burst of air freshener in 36 minute intervals. This thing scares the crap out of me every time. Do not buy this product! It always catches me by surprise! The first time it sprayed, I thought the TV was going to explode because it was placed on our entertainment center. I can foresee a machine such as this falling into the hands of terrorists who will fill the canister with a deadly virus and kill anyone within a 30 ft. radius. Now that I think about it, that sounds like a good "24" episode. 
Do not buy this product!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I've been confronted with many crises during the years but today, I am faced with making a decision that will alter my life for many years to come. Its hard to change. I personally have a difficult adjusting to new situations. But the time has come to move on and to do something new with my life. I am scared, worried, sad, and unsure about my current situation but I think the choice is clear. 

Thursday, November 6, 2008

"Are you insured?"

Oh the joys, of daytime commercials. When I was a kid, the Survival Insurance Ads were the best! Here are two of my favorites.

So stupid but I laugh everytime!

Why McCain Lost

Here are three things John McCain should have done but didn't do:
  1. Refusing to bring up Obama's 20 yr. association Jeremiah Wright nearly destroyed his campaign during the primary season was a critical error. McCain had legitimate grounds to call into question Obama's friendship with this hateful man.
  2. Instead of going along with the Paulson bailout plan, McCain should have resisted the proposal on principle. He would have had the support of the Republican House and the American public. 
  3. Let Palin, Be Palin!!! 
The McCain campaign was running neck and neck with the Obama campaign until mid-september. Blindsided by the worst economic collapse since the great depression, John McCain's reaction was erratic and ill-conceived. Although, I think it is ridiculous that Obama earns credit for his reaction to the meltdown because he did absolutely nothing.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

President Elect Obama

Well, America has spoken and they have elected the most liberal and most partisan democrat to be President of the United States. I wonder how many people will regret this decision four years from now.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


We had a pie baking contest this weekend at our church. I wonder if the person who organized it was an Obama supporter...Fishy...