Sunday, September 20, 2009

Disney Memories

One of the positives about the end of summer is that my Disneyland Annual Pass has no more blackout dates. In the last two weeks, I've been to the park three times. Growing up, we never went to Disneyland often. It was too expensive and heck, it still is! So, in many ways, Disneyland is still fresh and new to me.

One very odd and unexpected thing about visiting Disneyland, is that for the first time in my life I've been jealous of the countless young couples with kids. I'm sure my friends who have kids will think that I've lost my mind but I have my reasons. Its awesome looking at the faces of the children as they wander the park with their parents. You can just sense that they are overwhelmed with the immensity of the park. Watching the parents as they lead their kids by the hand, I get excited for when I can have that opportunity. I think this is a big step for me personally. Kids have always been okay in my book, but until recently I could never imagine myself with a family. It was scary to me. Turning 26 in a few weeks, I think I've finally reached a point in my life where I could mentally handle being a parent. I'm obviously waiting for the right person to start a family with but this is big. Its weird...I know...

Some of my most earliest memories are of watching classic Disney cartoons on VHS. Here are two of my personal favorites. Let me know, if you too remember these when you were young! The first cartoon is "Mickey's Birthday". I still hum to myself Goofy's part at 4:25. Usually, this happens when I'm waiting in line for a ride at dland. If you're ever with me, don't be surprised if you hear me humming! I don't know why, but it always makes me happy.

Click --> Mickey's Birthday

The cartoon, "Mickey's Garden" still scares the crap out of me. I HATED the part with the "potato eyes" at 2:28. Maybe this is why I still don't like bugs. I really think this is the reason. I'm not joking.

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