Friday, August 15, 2008

The Surge

Barack Obama has been caught so many times reversing his positions on NAFTA, campaign finance, Iraq, offshore drilling, and "The Surge." Doing anything that can be construed as politically expedient, Obama has not shown to me that he can make difficult choices. His voting record as an Illinois State Senator is a mockery. Voting "present" over 130 times on controversial issues, Obama would rather vote "maybe" instead of "yes" or "no." Recently, the Obama train has stalled and I believe that the American public is wising up to the antics and double talk of Obama.

One issue that compels me to write this entry is "The Surge." US troop casualties are at their lowest levels since the start of the war. If Obama had his way, the United States would have withdrawn in defeat. Now, I do believe that the war must come to an end soon. But, there is a window of opportunity created by the Surge where political stability can take root and the Iraq military can sustain itself. Iraq is improving and Al-Quada has retreated back to Afghanistan. As the video illustrates, Iraq would be a different and more dangerous place if it were not for the Surge.

John McCain did the unpopular thing and supported the Surge. It takes more than just excellent oratory skills to be president. A president must have the fortitude to make decisions on all matters, not just popular ones.

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