Monday, March 8, 2010

"Dan Blather"

It should be common knowledge by now that Dan Rather is a crack-pot. After airing false stories about President Bush's military record (which eventually forced Rather to resign from CBS), Mr. Rather made this brow raising comment on the Chris Matthew's Show on March 7th.

Now, if Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney would have uttered Rather's words then a firestorm would have ensured. Denouncements and apology demands from the ACLU, NAACP, the Black Caucasus, and the media elite would dominate the news cycle. Still think there isn't any bias in the mainstream media? Then my friend, I have some swamp land that I want to sell you.

1 comment:

kyle d cole said...

wow...and our party is accused of perpetuating stereotypes...