Thursday, August 14, 2008

Saddleback Civil Forum

On Saturday, Saddleback Church will be ground zero in the 2008 Presidential Campaign. Pastor Rick Warren will moderate a question and answer session with Barack Obama and John McCain. The event will be televised nationwide and will be a pivotal moment for both campaigns and Saddleback Church.

I am very curious and excited to watch this event. Warren has often invited politicians to his church but this will be the first time that the entire nation will witness a pastor interview both Presidential candidates. In 2006, I attended Saddleback's World Summit on AIDS where Kansas Senator (R) Sam Brownback and Illinois Senator Barack O'bama spoke before a packed house. Alining himself with both sides, Warren is in an interesting and powerful position. I think everyone is anxious to evaluate the quality and merit of the questions that will be posed to McCain and Obama. Will the questions have substance or will they be softball topics that both candidates can spin to their own advantage?

Everyone will have something at stake. For the candidates, it will be a golden opportunity to appeal to the evangelical voters and traditional-value Americans. For Warren, it will be his chance to advocate his vision and social gospel known as the "PEACE Plan" to the nation at large.

With that said, my DVR is set. I am encouraging all my friends to watch with an open mind but to think critically about both candidates and their vision for the nation.


Ange said...

Yes Joe...but I think the question you need to ask yourself (especially because of your rampant bashing Obama blogs) -- is will you actually have an open mind? Will you actually listen to what is said and make a fair assessment? Cuz if you're not then you'll be like the millions of other people just waiting for one person to say one wrong thing, and use it against them in your blogs, conversations, etc etc etc.

Joe Pena said...

i will probably listening more carefully to Obama than McCain. I know what McCain is about. With the convention a few weeks away, I still don't know what Obama really stands for. He is still a mystery to most Americans and that is a reason why his polling figures remain the same. Many people still don't trust Obama.

Obama has not said just one wrong thing. He has backpeddled on so many big topics. I haven't posted stupid moments such as when he stated to have "campaigned in 57 states." However, when he makes a clear reversals on policy, I'll be there to report on it. I don't think thats bashing at all.