Friday, August 22, 2008

Trading Blows

Yesterday, both campaigns traded blows after a John McCain interview where he was unsure about how many homes he owned. The Obama campaign sprang into action and touted that McCain is "out of touch" with the American public because of his lavish lifestyle. You can watch the Obama ad here. A few short hours later, the McCain campaign responded with the ad below.

I personally think that it is a load of bologna. Both men are successful and enjoy privilaged lifestyles. For example, according to Obama's tax returns he earned over 4 million dollars last year alone! On the other hand, most of McCain's wealth comes from his wife Cindy and her family trust. In addition, McCain's homes are all listed under Cindy McCain's name and not her husband.

After a month of being pummeled by the McCain campaign, the Obama camp seized the opportunity to attack Sen. McCain. As Obama's poll numbers continue to plummet, it was a welcomed distraction to the campaign trail.