Monday, May 19, 2008

P.C. in Iraq

How are we supposed to win a war when we apologize to the enemy? A copy of the Koran was found rittled with bullets after a US solider used it as target practice. The solider was removed from Iraq and a general apologized in front of the community. Appeasement is not the solution to solve global terrorism.

Do you think the Muslim radicals are apologizing for the countless Iraqi Christians they have slaughtered during the last year???

US General Apologizes


Ange said...

I understand what you're saying, but if we want other's to respect our beliefs, etc. -- don't you think we should be an example? Granted, shooting a Koran isn't the best example, but apologizing for something done wrong is...

Joe Pena said...

I do not believe that appeasement is the answer to radical islam. If that is the route our nation chooses to deal with Islam then it will result with disaster. The radicals and many Muslims in the Middle East have absolutely no intention to respect anyone else's beliefs but their own. Appeasement is not the answer.