Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My Biking Adventures

Today, for the very first time I rode my bike to work. On Monday, I purchased a bike for the sole purpose of commuting. After talking to a few friends from work who recently purchased bikes, I was motivated to purchase my first bike. Growing up, I never rode often. Our neighborhood was never "bike friendly" because of speeding cars, weird people, and lack of places to ride to. My daily commute to work is 14 miles round trip and even though my truck is excellent on fuel consumption, I felt that now would be a good time to start riding to work. I listed my reasons for this new life change:

1. It is a good form of exercise
2. It saves gas
3. I get to enjoy the day and my community

I am very excited and to be honest, after my first day I am somewhat sore. But, I cannot wait until my next ride and I think that I have finally discovered biking as a new hobby and legitimate form of transportation.

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