Monday, November 23, 2009


If you haven't noticed, Verizon has declared war on Apple and AT&T with new ads attacking AT&T's 3G network. It all began when Verizon unveiled the new Droid phone and parodied the iPhone's hipster-friendly tv spots.

Even though I am an iphone user, I despise the AT&T 3G network. It's slow, unreliable, overloaded. Before switching to AT&T, I was with Verizon for almost 7 years and never had any problems. That cannot be said for AT&T. Like many iPhone fans, I was excited to hear that Verizon might carry the iPhone when AT&T's exclusive contract with Apple expires next year. One may wonder though, will Verizon's aggressive ads hurt their chances to land the coveted iPhone?? Only, time will tell.

Verizon/Droid Commercial:

Verizon's "Island of Misfit Toys"

AT&T Counter-Attacks with Luke Wilson


Corby said...

Here's the latest development:

Corby said...

Verizon is going after Sprint now also!

Joe Pena said...

wow. this is getting exciting!