This past Saturday, I went to the Sarah Palin rally at the Home Depot Center in Carson, CA. I was stunned at the turnout for this event. I arrived 30 minutes after the gates opened and the line was ridiculously long. It took me an hour to get into the stadium but it was well worth it! Once inside, I was surrounded by thousands of people who believed the same as I did on topics such as offshore drilling, ANWR, national security, abortion, less government, and nationalized health care. I strongly believe that the ticket of McCain/Palin have the right approach on most of the key issues facing this nation. Their stance on keeping taxes low is especially important to me in this turbulent economic atmosphere. You don't raise taxes during hard economic periods and if Obama is elected, then I will have grave concerns for the state of our national economy. With 1 trillion dollars in proposed new government spending, I wonder where he plans to get all of this money???
not from taxes!
he's lowering taxes for over 95% of the American people!
well, not really. Obama wants to issue tax credits to working class families. that's not exactly lowering taxes. other taxpayers will end up footing the bill. In the senate, he has voted to raise the income taxes on those earning 42,000!!!
Looks like a fun event! A few people from our office went...
The only taxpayers who will end up footing the bill will be those making $250,000+.
The vote you're referring to has nothing to do with his current political platform.
If you want to know Obama’s plan you can readily find tons of info describing his specific positions and detailed proposals on taxes and the economy, or virtually any other issue. McCain’s savvy; he’s been in Washington a long time, and his team knows that the devil’s in the details, so they won’t give any on his website or in interviews. Clever campaigning, perhaps, but it makes it hard for a voter to make an informed and rational decision.
According to the US Census only 1.9% of Americans earn more than $250,000. Knowing this, my next question I would pose pertains to how Obama plans to give a tax credit to 95% of Americans who earn less than $250,000 from only 2% of the taxpaying public. This just does not add up.
Obama's votes in the Senate to raise taxes were non-binding but they do provide keene insight into his view on taxes. This is Socialism 101. Wealth Redistribution.
hey joe-i left the first lowering taxes comment as a joke...he's said publicly he'll revoke the bush tax that means taxes will go up for EVERYONE! plus, with the business taxes and taxes on the rich, we will be paying more for the taxes will increase, but it will be hidden...i.e. the oil companies only making $0.07 of profit on every dollar, while the government gets $0.30 for every dollar on taxes...but we blame the companies!
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