Tuesday, September 2, 2008

RNC Night One

The left-wing nuts at the NY Times have decided to destroy Sarah Palin. With a barrage of Ant-Palin articles in today's NY Times, it is apparent that John McCain's decision to add Palin to the ticket is a serious threat to the liberal cause. I think its amusing and laughable that they mention Palin' s husband's DUI arrest 22 years ago yet they praise Barack Obama who admitted to using cocaine. Both actions should be denounced but I doubt the NY Times has the desire to go down that unpleasant route.

Palin has more executive level decision making experience than the democratic nominee for President!!! She has fought corruption within her own party in one of the most corrupt states in the union. She is a real voice for reform and change. On the other hand, since assuming his role as US Senator in 2005, Barack Obama has spent the majority of his time running for president. Are we supposed to trust a failed community organizer who partnered himself with US terrorist Bill Ayers?? Barack has ZERO experience to lead this nation on day one. That is a chance that I am not willing to take.

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