Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Cuts Hurt?

In my opinion, there is no other story in the news today that is so over hyped than the current California education cutbacks. The sensationalism propagated by the California Teachers Association is nauseating. It is virtually impossible to have a reasonable discussion in the media regarding this important topic. Now, the odds are that Gov. Schwarzenegger will not be able to cut 4.9 billion from the education budget. There will be obvious compromises. I am just fed up hearing the same slogans "More money for education" year in and year out. Where does all that money go??? Maybe some of the CTA fat cats should contribute to their own cause.

Food for thought: If we barely have enough money to pay for public education, how is the state and federal government supposed to pay for UNIVERSAL HEALTH INSURANCE??? I am already taxed enough to support the wasteful enterprise of public education. Why in earth would I surrender more of my income to the disaster in the making known as Socialized Medicine??? But alas, that is another topic for another day.


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